2019 啓蒙篇 38 - 40
Original Script
曾子曰君子는 以文會友하고 以友輔仁이라.
盖人不能無過하니 而朋友하여 有責善之道故로
人之所以成就其德性者는 固莫大於師友之功이라.
雖然이나 友有益友하고 亦有損友하니
取友를 不可不端也라.
- 曰: to speak
- 盖: It is the case that…
- 雖然: though it is so > nevertheless (雖: although)
- 不可不V: cannot not V = must V
- 曾子曰君子以文會友以友輔仁盖人不能無過而朋友有責善之道故人之所以成就其德性者固莫大於師友之功雖然友有益友亦有損友取友不可不端也
同受父母之餘氣하여 以爲人者는 兄弟也라.
且人之方幼也에 食則連牀하고 枕則同衾하여
共被父母之恩者는 亦莫如我兄弟也라.
故로 愛其父母者는 亦必愛其兄弟라.
- 方 (Time): just, just about
- 莫如N: There is nothing/no one like N
- 同受父母之餘氣 以爲人者兄弟也且人之方幼也食則連牀枕則同衾共被父母之恩者亦莫如我兄弟也故愛其父母者亦必愛其兄弟
宗族이 雖有親疎遠近之分이나
然이나 推究其本면 則同是祖先之骨肉이니
苟於宗族에 不相友愛이면 則是는 忘其本也라.
人而忘本이면 家道가 漸替라.
- 雖: although
- 然: (being so,) but
- 是: this, these, they
- 苟: if indeed… (leading a subjunctive clause)
- 宗族雖有親疎遠近之分然推究其本則同是祖先之骨肉苟於宗族不相友愛則是忘其本也人而忘本家道漸替
Sentence 38 : (name)
- Discussion Questions:
Sentence 39 : Ethan
同受父母之餘(남을 여)氣하여 以爲人者는 兄弟也라.
Those who are made people through receiving the parent’s remaining [living] energy together are your siblings.
且人之方幼也에 食則連牀하고 枕則同衾하여
Moreover, when people are at the height of youth––joining tables while eating, sharing blankets while sleeping,
共被父母之恩者는 亦莫如我兄弟也라.
and together wearing the grace of parents––then too, there is nobody like one’s own siblings.
故로 愛其父母者는 亦必愛其兄弟라.
Therefore those who love their parents also surely [need to] love their siblings.
- Discussion Questions:
Sentence 40 : (name)
- Discussion Questions: