2019 啓蒙篇 30 - 33
Original Script
物之不齊는 乃物之情이라.
故로 以尋丈尺寸으로 度物之長短하고
以斤兩銖로 稱物之輕重하고
以斗斛升石으로 量物之多寡
- 物之不齊乃物之情故以尋丈尺寸度物之長短以斤兩銖稱物之輕重以斗斛升石量物之多寡
算計萬物之數는 莫便於九九하니
所謂九九者는 九九八十一之數也니라.
右는 物篇이라.
- 算計萬物之數莫便於九九所謂九九者九九八十一之數也
::: 人篇 :::
萬物之中에 惟人이 最靈하니
- 惟N: only N
- 萬物之中惟人最靈有父子之親有君臣之義有夫婦之別有長幼之序有朋友之信
生我者는 爲父母요 我之所生이 爲子女요
父之父는 爲祖요 子之子는 爲孫이요 與我同父母者는 爲兄弟요
父母之兄弟는 爲叔이요 兄弟之子女는 爲姪이요
子之妻는 爲婦요 女之夫는 爲婿라.
- 我,吾: I (first person); 爾(汝): you (second person); 其, 之: third person
- 與 N 同: to be the same as N
- 生我者爲父母我之所生爲子女父之父爲祖子之子爲孫與我同父母者爲兄弟父母之兄弟爲叔兄弟之子女爲姪子之妻爲婦女之夫爲婿
Sentence 30 : Olga
Things not being even - that is situation of things.
Therefore with miles, yards, feet, and inches we measure the length and shortness of things.
With pounds, ounces, pennyweights and drachms with things that are called these we weigh weights.
With tu, kok, sŭng and sǒk - [with] things that are called these we measure amount of things.
- Discussion Questions:
I do not remember what our decision was concerning the units of volume. Should we just transcribe their names?
Sentence 31 : Olga
Calculating the number of things, there is nothing more convenient than a "nine-by-nine" [multiplication] chart.
So called "nine-by-nine" the number of nine by nine is eighty-one.
Above was the Book of Things.
- Discussion Questions:
The translation of the first line might be a bit excessive, but I wanted to preserve the original name as well as show what that actually is.
Sentence 32 : I.Yi
Among all things, humans alone are the most numinous:
there is the kinship of father and son
there is the righteousness of ruler and subject
there is the division of husband and wife
there is the order of the first and the last
there is the trustworthiness of friends.
- Discussion Questions:
When the text repeats like this, what do you think about changing it in translation to make it less monotonous? For example, taking out "there is" or removing most of them:
Among all things, humans alone are the most numinous. They hold:
the kinship of father and son
the righteousness of ruler and subject
the division of husband and wife
the order of the first and the last
the trustworthiness of friends.
Sentence 33 : (name)
- Discussion Questions: