토론:(2017HSWJA) 한문 여름 워크샵 Hanmun Summer Workshop

Admin (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 6월 29일 (금) 15:16 판 (Admin님이 토론:(2017SHWJA) 여름 한문 워크샵 Summer Hanmun Workshop 문서를 넘겨주기를 만들지 않고 토론:(2017HSWJA) 여름 한문 워크샵 Hanmun Summer Workshop 문서로 이동했습니다)

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[SAMPLE] Editing conventions on talk pages

Having discussions on a free-form wiki page will seem strange at first. It helps if everyone follows some simple editing conventions:

  • Always sign your name after your comments. Use the four tildes "<tvar|tildes>~~~~</>" wiki syntax (or the signature button signature button in the toolbar above the editing textbox). For more information see <tvar|sig>틀:Ll</>.
  • Start a new discussion with a ==level 2 heading== at the bottom of the page (or use the "<tvar|addsection>틀:Int</>" tab).
  • Indent replies with colons (:) at the beginning of the line.


Here is an example discussion, following the talk page conventions:

Wiki text Rendered talk page

== Soup ==

How's the soup? --[[User:Example|Bob]] 18:07, 26 August 1991 (UTC)

: It's great!! --[[User:Example|Simon]] 11:21, 28 August 1991 (UTC)

:: I made it myself! -- [[User:Example|Bob]] 14:11, 3 September 1991 (UTC)

I think the soup-discussion should be moved to [[Talk:Soup]].. -- [[User:Example|Lisa]] 21:55, 3 September 1991 (UTC)


How's the soup? --Bob 18:07, 26 August 1991 (UTC)

It's great!! --Simon 11:21, 28 August 1991 (UTC)
I made it myself! -- Bob 14:11, 3 September 1991 (UTC)

I think the soup-discussion should be moved to Talk:Soup.. -- Lisa 21:55, 3 September 1991 (UTC)