문장 51 - 55

Jangseogak (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 7월 20일 (목) 09:05 판 (Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script

51. 燕 : 雌雄于飛含泥爲巢乃生雛含蟲哺子呴呴相樂來以社日去以九月

52. 杜鵑 : 蜀帝之魂化爲寃鳥其名曰杜鵑春山月白長啼不如歸

53. 雉 : 羽有文彩故曰華蟲鳴于山陽其聲角角

54. 龍 : 鱗蟲三百龍爲長得雲將行雨見則在野飛則在天變化不測

55. 麟 : 麟之爲物一角五趾不畜於家不恒有於天下待聖人而出


Student 1 : (Write your name)

Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari

51. 燕 : 雌雄于飛含泥爲巢乃生雛含蟲哺子呴呴相樂來以社日去以九月

Females and males fly together, carry mud in their mouth and form nests. Then give birth to fledglings, carry insects and feed the children [which] enjoy together [while doing] ‘gugu’1. They come on the Sa-il2, they leave on the ninth month.

52. 杜鵑 : 蜀帝之魂化爲寃鳥其名曰杜鵑春山月白長啼不如歸

The spirit of the emperor of Shu3 transformed into a wronged bird. It is named ‘cuckoo’. In the spring mountain when the moon is [bright] white, [its] long cry is not as good as going back.

53. 雉 : 羽有文彩故曰華蟲鳴于山陽其聲角角

54. 龍 : 鱗蟲三百龍爲長得雲將行雨見則在野飛則在天變化不測

55. 麟 : 麟之爲物一角五趾不畜於家不恒有於天下待聖人而出

1: 呴呴 (kugu, 'gugu'), approximation of an onomatopeia that is attributed to certain birds.

2: 社日 (Sa-il), the fifth day after the spring solstice.

3: 蜀 (Chinese: Shu), a kingdom located in the far South-West of China that was established in 221. It was annexed by the Wei kingdom in 265, which marked the start of the Jin dynasty and the end of the period of the Chinese Three Kingdoms.

Student 3 : (Write your name)

Student 4 : (Write your name)

Student 5 : (Write your name)

Student 6 : (Write your name)

Student 7 : (Write your name)

Student 8 : (Write your name)

Student 9 : (Write your name)

Student 10 : (Write your name)

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Student 12 : (Write your name)

Student 13 : (Write your name)

Student 14 : (Write your name)