2017 JSG Summer Hanmun Workshop
소개 Introduction
The Jangseogak Archives at the Academy of Korean Studies is offering a three-week intensive course on-campus from 3rd July to 21st July, 2017. Graduate students, young researchers, and professors of Korean (not excluding Chinese and Japanese) studies who have received at least two years of training in classical Chinese or completed comparable courses in Asian studies are welcome to apply.
The workshop will run for 6 hours everyday from Monday to Friday for three weeks (morning lectures and afternoon practicum for translation), and will also include opportunities to explore historic sites related to the reading materials covered in the workshop.
The workshop aims to create a global knowledge-building community of Korean studies. All lectures and discussions at the workshop will be conducted in English; at the same time, it will require translation of the original sources into English. Apart from the translation project, each participant will be obligated to produce a translated article of his/her own choice within three months from the end of the workshop. The authorship of each translated piece or article will be accredited to the individual contributor; however, both the translated sources and the introductory articles will belong to the public domain of Korean studies and be published online for academic purposes.
The Academy of Korean Studies will provide the participants with round-trip airfare (no more than 1,800 USD), tuition, and board and lodging. Graduate students are required to submit letters of recommendation from their advisors.
개요 Outline
- 행사명: (2017SHWJA) 여름 한문 워크샵 Summer Hanmun Workshop
- 일 자: 2017년 7월 3일-21일 | 3주간
- 장 소: 장서각, 한국학중앙연구원
- 공식 언어: 영어
- 주최 및 주관: 한국학중앙연구원 장서각
절차 및 일정표 Process and Timetable
일정 | 절차 |
1월-2월 | Koreanstudies, H-net 공지, 중핵대학 홈페이지 게시 요청 |
2월-3월 | 해외대학 한국학전공 교수진에게 홍보메일 발송 |
3월 | 장서각 한문워크샵 디렉터 및 수강 신청서 접수 완료 |
4월 | 장서각 한문워크샵 디렉터 및 수강자 선정 심사
선정 결과 개별 통보 (e-mail) |
4월-6월 | 한문워크샵 강의 계획(안) 확정 등 행사 준비 |
7월 | 한문워크샵 개최 |
참가자 Participants
- Director : 오영균 (吳英均, Young Kyun Oh), 송재윤 (宋在倫, Jaeyoon Song)
- 참가자 명단 Participants List
Year | Participants | Intermediate Training Group | Advanced Translation Group |
2017 | Instructor | 오영균 (吳英均, Young Kyun Oh) | 송재윤 (宋在倫, Jaeyoon Song) |
Students | Na Sanghoon, Chang JaeYong, Eom TaeYeon, Kim MiRi, Lee HeeJin, Gledic Jelena, Bryan Sauvadet, Le Marchand Alexandre Pierre Michel, M’Ghari Younès, Ranjan Santosh Kumar, Svakova Petra | Sotirova Irina Vladimirova, Ahn Kanghun, Park JongWoo, Ren Zhijun, Wong KingKwong, Gehlmann Martin, Park Youngsuk, Hu Jing, Kim Young |
강독과제 Reading and Translation Assignments