2018 學語集 56 - 62
Original Script
56. 鷗
- 與 N V: V with N
57. 鳩
58. 池塘
- 於 N V: V in/on/to N
59. 巖
- N 之 C 者: that which C among N
60. 山
土積而高起者 爲山하니 其高千萬丈이라 草木生하고 禽獸居焉이로다.
- 高 # M: be high/tall # (Measure)
61. 川
62. 瀑布
- 勝於 N: exceed N, be better than N
Sentence 56 : (Althea Volpe)
The seagulls are the water chicken. On thousands of waves the seagulls float and sink many times. With old fishermen they look for alliance. With seafarers they play.
- Discussion Questions:
Sentence 57 : Petra Sváková
57. 鳩 : 桑林春日和鳴而喚雨者鳩也拙於構巢故或居於鵲巢
Doves: In the mulberry forest, in the spring sun, those which harmoniously cry and summon rain are the doves. [They are] clumsy at building nests, thus some [of them] live in magpies' nests.
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Sentence 58 : Petra Sváková
58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚
Ponds: [When one] digs out dirt and pours in water, [that is] called a pond. [One] can plant lotuses and seed willow trees on the side. Master Chǒng (ch, Cheng) was looking at fishes in the basin pond.
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Sentence 59 : Petra Sváková
巖 : 石之大者曰巖如虎而蹲如龍而距不變太古之顔
Cliffs: [That which is] big among stones is called a cliff. Like tigers, [they] crouches; like dragons, [they] are far away. [Their] primordial faces do not change.
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Sentence 60 : Jelena Gledić
That which is soil piled up and raised high becomes a mountain. Its height is thousands [or] tens of thousands zhangs[1]. Grass and trees live, and birds and beasts dwell there.
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Sentence 61 : Jelena Gledić
Small waters flowing together are called waterways. Deep ones are pools, shallow ones are shoals. Day and night, [they] do not rest. Fishes and turtles live among them.
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Sentence 62 : Jelena Gledić
The water hanging off the cliff, cutting a wall [in it], flying and flowing. It scatters and froths like snow, makes sound like thunder. The waterfall of Mount Lu[2] stands out among all things.
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