(Translation) 老乞大新釋序

Jangseogak (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 19일 (목) 10:33 판 (Original Script)

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The Nogôldae (老乞大, RR: Nogeoldae), translated in English as the Old Cathayan, was a textbook of colloquial northern Chinese that was first written and published in Korea in the 14th century. It consisted in a collection of dialogues built around Korean merchant’s journey from Koryǒ to Beijing and his return to his homeland. During his travel, he would for instance introduce himself to Chinese people, say what classics he likes to read, buy and sell products and discover Beijing.

조선 영조 39년(1763)에 역관 김창조(金昌祚), 변헌(邊憲) 등이 엮은 책. 중국어 학습서로 꾸며진 ≪노걸대≫의 잘못된 곳을 바로잡아 간행하였다. 1책.

It went through several editions from the 14th to 18th centuries and each consisted in either adding Korean glosses or modifying the original Chinese dialogues. The present New edition of the 'Old Cathayan' (老乞大新釋, MR: Nogǒldae Sinsǒk, RR: Nogeoldae Sinseok) was written in 1761 and proposes a first revision of the Chinese content; colloquial Chinese was likely to have evolved during the three centuries following the first publication of the Nogǒldae.

It also provides a preface... 틀:INTRO PREFACE upcoming

A corresponding revised commentary, the Nogǒldae Sinsǒk Ǒnhae (老乞大新釋諺解, RR: Nogeoldae Sinseok Eonhae), was published in 1763 but appears to be no longer extant.

Original Script

Text Translation

五方之民,言語不通,先王設四官以通其不通:東曰寄,西曰鞮,南曰象,北曰譯。類皆察其風氣之高下,齒舌之缓急,適乎時而便於俗而已。天下之生久矣,言語之随方燮易、與時同,固如水之益下,况中州之與外國,其齟齬不合,差毫釐而謬千里者,尤不腾其月異而歲不同矣。然我國之於中州,地之相去不過二千餘里,視閩、浙、雲,貴之人能喋喋通话於幽燕,大同而小異,我國則雖老譯,舉皆舌本閒強,話頭拙澀,鄒孟氏荘嶽眾楚之訓,真善諭也。我古置質正官,每歲以辨質華語為任,故東人之於華語,較之他外國最稱嫻習 。百年之閒(間),兹事發而譯學遂壞焉。



The people from the five regions[1] differ in words and languages. The former kings established four 틀:Organs/(kinds of) functionaries by which what differs is connected; in the east they are called ‘ji’, in the west they are called ‘xie’, in the south they are called ‘xiang’, in the north they are called ‘yi’[2]. All of their kind examines 틀:The superiority and inferiority of the common practices/the levels of the breathing, the tensions of the teeth and the tongue, [they] do nothing more than following the times and adapting to the customs. The world was born a long time ago[3]; the words and languages found places and are object to variation, 틀:From time to time/with the times they are equivalent. Originally, like 틀:Under the benefits/the flowing (down) of water[4], 틀:It went/spread out from the Central provinces[5] to the foreign countries; the irregularities of the [speakers’] teeth are not matching, and what differs from even a hair can yet lead you a thousand li astray [6], 틀:They greatly/the faults are unequal to 틀:Them/it; the moon is not the same and the years are different[7]. If our country 틀:Follows the Central provinces, the mutual distance between their lands does not go beyond than 2000 li. 틀:We observe that the people of Min, Zhe, Yun and Gui[8] can chatter a lot and communicate in the Youyan[9]; [their speeches] have great similarities and small differences. Only our country needs experienced interpreters; 틀:They all raise the back of the tongue [letting it] idle or [moving it] with force, the thread of their speech is clumsy and obscure. The instruction of Mencius 틀:?????? is a truly good teaching. 틀:We, in the past/used to, established the substance/nature and straightened the 틀:Organsby which, every year, we would have the assignment of differentiating the 틀:Substance/nature of the Chinese language 틀:(or it is talking about making people participate to examinations?). Therefore, the Chinese language of the people of the East[10] is the most praised and refined compared to the one of others foreign countries. Within a hundred years, this happened 틀:But the discipline of translating is 틀:Eventually becoming bad.

We do not know when the Nogôldae was created nor the one who recorded it; it was also [written a] very careless [way]. Moreover, it has been a while [since then] and there has been changes [in the language]! Therefore, no wonder why it is not used. Those who translate in Beijing, 틀:When they depend on it and put it into practice, may, indeed, not play the se zither with the pegs glued[11]. In the former times there were many renown translators; [among them] 틀:Zhou Tong[12] was efficient and able, [he] knew twice when hearing one, [he] did not [make his translations] so different [from the original language]. Since recently, the usual practices got lost, those who get in [this position] without any qualification are also numerous; there is nearly nobody that would be conform to being [translating] between the two countries and those who are assigned [this task] are anxious about it. I once said that we cannot not rectify everyone [that does translations]; his highness agreed. In the year gengcheng13, an order was carried to go to Beijing and so [I] your minister followed it. At the time, the literati interpreter Pyŏn Hŏn[13] was an expert and he was renown because of his good Chinese; [I] your minister would only ask for his services. When we arrived in the Beijing embassy, he corrected [the sentences] point by point, classified with no difficulty [their] similarities and differences. He engaged in his assignment, 틀:Followed the times/was on time and adapted to the customs. And since he could not erase the original text, he combined [it to new contents] and record [new sentences]; it was be the intention of the essence [of the book].


  • Discussion Questions:


Lung, Rachel (2011). “Perceptions of translating/interpreting in first-century China” in Setton, Robin. Interpreting Chinese, Interpreting China. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Compagny, pp. 11-28


  1. Or the “five directions”, that is the north, the south, the east, the west and the center.
  2. According to Lung (2011:13), Ji (寄), Di (鞋), Xiang (象) and Yi (譯) are different words denoting translators and interpreters (only the latter would have kept that meaning); this passage is also a reference to the chapter “Royal Institutions” (王制, pinyin: Wangzhi) in the Book of Rites (禮記, pinyin: Liji).
  3. This sentence was also borrowed from a Confucian classic, more precisely from the section entitled “Teng Wen Gong” (滕文公下) of the Works of Mencius (孟子, pinyin: Mengzi).
  4. This expression is quoted a few years later in the Journal of the Royal Secretariat (承政院日記, RR: Seungjeongwon Ilgi, MR: Sûngjôngwon Ilgi), in the 28th day of the 10th month of the 7th year of the reign of King Sunjo (r. 1800-1834), that is in 1807.
  5. This term refers to China.
  6. Periphrasis of the sentence “差以豪氂,謬以千里” in the “Biography of Sima Qian” (司馬遷傳, pinyin: Sima Qian Zhuan) in the Book of Han (漢書, pinyin: Han Shu).
  7. The formula “月異而歲不同矣” was borrowed from either the Xin Shu (新書) or the later written Book of Han.
  8. Min (閩) is an old appellation of the Chinese Fujian (福建) province while Zhe (浙), Yun (雲) and Gui (貴) respectively refer to the provinces of Zhejiang (浙江), Yunnan (雲南) and Guizhou (貴州).
  9. Youyan (幽燕) is an ancient region comprising Beijing and parts of modern Hebei and Liaoning provinces, in the North East of China
  10. Dongin (東人, MR: Tongin) is one of the ways the Koreans would designate themselves.
  11. This means they may not stubbornly stick to old ways in the face of changed circumstances; it was probably directly borrowed from the Shiji (史記).
  12. I was not able to find out who that was.
  13. Pyŏn Hŏn (邊憲; RR: Byeon Heon; 1707~?) was one of the author of this revised textbook.