"2019 啓蒙篇 19 - 22"의 두 판 사이의 차이
78번째 줄: | 78번째 줄: | ||
*Discussion Questions: <br /> | *Discussion Questions: <br /> | ||
− | Some sea creatures such as dolphins birth a fetus and nourish via milk but they definitely don't run and live in caves. What category would they belong to? | + | Some sea creatures such as dolphins birth a fetus and nourish via milk but they definitely don't run and live in caves. What category would they belong to?<br /> |
+ | (YO) I think you got them on that one. I guess dolphins (and penguins and others you mentioned above) are between classes--those that belong to both and neither at the same time. They are anomalies, and they shake our categorical system. Categories make knowledge because they serve as predicates ("A is a bird," "B is an insect," etc.). When something is category-less, we don't ''know'' what to call it or what it ''is''. <br /> | ||
+ | 卵翼 is two actions: giving birth to eggs (oviparous) and cover them with wings to hatch <br /> | ||
+ | 蟲魚之物化生者는 最多: Of insects and fish, those that turn into things and come into beings are the most numerous <br /> | ||
[[Category : 2019 JSG Summer Hanmun Workshop]] | [[Category : 2019 JSG Summer Hanmun Workshop]] | ||
[[Category : Intermediate Training Group]] | [[Category : Intermediate Training Group]] |
2019년 7월 15일 (월) 22:30 판
Original Script
五行이 亦有相克之理하니 水克火하고 火克金하고 金克木하고 木克土하고
土復克水하니 乃操其相克之權하여 能用其相生之物者는 是人之功也라.
- 乃: so, thus
- 能V: be able to V
- 五行亦有相克之理水克火火克金金克木木克土土復克水乃操其相克之權能用其相生之物者是人之功也
::: 物篇 :::
天地生物之數가 有萬其衆이로되
而若言其動植之物이면 則草木禽獸蟲魚之屬이 最其較著者也니라
- 最 S V 者: that which S V the most (adv.)
- 天地生物之數有萬其衆而若言其動植之物則草木禽獸蟲魚之屬最其較著者也
飛者는 爲禽이요 走者는 爲獸요 鱗介者는 爲蟲魚요 根植者는 爲草木이라.
- 飛者爲禽走者爲獸鱗介者爲蟲魚根植者爲草木
飛禽은 卵翼이요 走獸는 胎乳하니
飛禽은 巢居하고 走獸는 穴處하고
蟲魚之物化生者는 最多니 而亦多生於水濕之地라.
- VN: V-ing/V-ed N
- 飛禽卵翼走獸胎乳飛禽巢居走獸穴處蟲魚之物化生者最多而亦多生於水濕之地
Sentence 19 : (name)
- Discussion Questions:
Sentence 20 : (name)
- Discussion Questions:
Sentence 21 : Nadia Arzberger
Those that fly are birds; those that run are beasts; those that have scales are insects and fish; those that are rooted and planted are grass and trees.
- Discussion Questions:
Q1: So then speaking of animals like...penguins would these be considered birds? But they cannot fly. What about beasts? They also cannot run. Would these animals not be considered because there are no penguins in the vicinity? But then what about elephants and hippos mentioned in the later passages?
Sentence 22 : Nadia Arzberger
Flying birds cover their eggs with their wings to hatch; running beasts birth a fetus and nourishes via milk. Flying birds dwell in trees; running beasts dwell in caves. Insects and fish turn into things to be born of which there are many; mostly live in damp lands.
- Discussion Questions:
Some sea creatures such as dolphins birth a fetus and nourish via milk but they definitely don't run and live in caves. What category would they belong to?
(YO) I think you got them on that one. I guess dolphins (and penguins and others you mentioned above) are between classes--those that belong to both and neither at the same time. They are anomalies, and they shake our categorical system. Categories make knowledge because they serve as predicates ("A is a bird," "B is an insect," etc.). When something is category-less, we don't know what to call it or what it is.
卵翼 is two actions: giving birth to eggs (oviparous) and cover them with wings to hatch
蟲魚之物化生者는 最多: Of insects and fish, those that turn into things and come into beings are the most numerous