"(Translation) 婁伯捕虎"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Student Translation : (Ewa)’’’)
36번째 줄: 36번째 줄:
==='''Student Translation : (Ewa)’’’===
==='''Student Translation : (Ewa)’’’===
Hanlin academician [surname] Nubaek was the son of [surname], the chief of Shui Yuan [name of the place] household. When he was fifteen years old, his father was killed by a tiger during the hunting. Nubaek wanted to capture the tiger. His mother stopped him. Nubaek said: how could I not revenge my father? Then put an ax on his shoulder and tracked the tiger. The tiger, with its stomach full, was resting. Nubaek stood in front and scolded the tiger: you have eaten my father, I must eat you. The tiger just beat its tail, lying low on the ground. Nubaek swung the axe and cut the tiger’s belly open. Then retrieved from there the bones and flesh of his father, and placed it safely in an urn. He put the tiger’s meat in a jar which then he drowned in a river. He buried his father at the west slope of [proper name] mountain in a thatched tomb. One day, as if in a dream, his father came and intoning a poem said: parting the bushes I arrived at the mourning house of a filial son. He suffered greatly and shed many tears. Every day he carried more earth to put on the top. He knew how to call the bright moon and the light wind. He took care of me when I was alive and protected me after my death. Who says of filial love that it has no beginning and no end? He finished singing and disappeared. Having completed the mourning Nubaek retrieved the tiger’s meat from the river and ate it. <br />
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2018년 7월 16일 (월) 07:09 판

Original Script

翰林學士崔婁伯。水原戶長尙翥之子。年十五時。父因獵爲虎所害。婁伯欲補 虎。母止之。婁伯曰。父讐可不報乎。卽荷斧跡虎。虎旣食飽臥。婁伯直前叱虎 曰。汝食吾父。吾當食汝。虎乃掉尾俛伏。遽斫而刳其腹。取父骸肉。安於器。 納虎肉於瓮。埋川中。葬父弘法山西廬墓。一日假寐。其父來詠詩云。披榛到孝 子廬。情多感淚無窮。負土日加上。知音明月淸風。生則養死則守。誰謂孝無始 終。詠訖遂不見。服闋。取虎肉盡食之。



Student Translation : (Ewa)’’’

Hanlin academician [surname] Nubaek was the son of [surname], the chief of Shui Yuan [name of the place] household. When he was fifteen years old, his father was killed by a tiger during the hunting. Nubaek wanted to capture the tiger. His mother stopped him. Nubaek said: how could I not revenge my father? Then put an ax on his shoulder and tracked the tiger. The tiger, with its stomach full, was resting. Nubaek stood in front and scolded the tiger: you have eaten my father, I must eat you. The tiger just beat its tail, lying low on the ground. Nubaek swung the axe and cut the tiger’s belly open. Then retrieved from there the bones and flesh of his father, and placed it safely in an urn. He put the tiger’s meat in a jar which then he drowned in a river. He buried his father at the west slope of [proper name] mountain in a thatched tomb. One day, as if in a dream, his father came and intoning a poem said: parting the bushes I arrived at the mourning house of a filial son. He suffered greatly and shed many tears. Every day he carried more earth to put on the top. He knew how to call the bright moon and the light wind. He took care of me when I was alive and protected me after my death. Who says of filial love that it has no beginning and no end? He finished singing and disappeared. Having completed the mourning Nubaek retrieved the tiger’s meat from the river and ate it.

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