"Hujing yanxing trade.lst"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
59번째 줄: 59번째 줄:
Interpreters Korean_people Interpreters
Interpreters Korean_people Interpreters
Commodities Item Commodities  
Commodities Item Commodities  
Local_products Item Commodities  
Local_products Item Local_products  
Salers Chinese_people Salers
Salers Chinese_people Salers
Buyers Chinese_people Buyers
Buyers Chinese_people Buyers
71번째 줄: 71번째 줄:
People Korean_people has_subclass
People Korean_people has_subclass
People Chinese_people has_subclass
People Chinese_people has_subclass
Korean_people Interpreters has_subclass
Korean_people Interpreters has_subclass
Chinese_people Salers has_subclass
Chinese_people Buyers has_subclass
Item Commodities has_subclass
Item Local_products has_subclass
Interpreters Commodities bought
Interpreters Commodities bought
Interpreters Commodities sold
Interpreters Commodities sold
Commodities Place was_traded_in
Commodities Place was_traded_in
Interpreters Chinese_people traded_with
Interpreters Chinese_people traded_with
Salers Commodities sold
buyers Commodities bought
Salers Place lived_in

2021년 6월 2일 (수) 00:46 판

the Ontology of Chosŏn Interpreters’ Trade Networks in Qing China


Yanxing	red	ellips
Date	gold	ellips
Place   blue	circle
Korean_place	green	circle
Chinese_place	red	circle	
People	silver  circle
Korean_people	green	circle
Chinese_people	red	circle
Item	red	ellipse
Event	yellow	ellipse
Weather	yellow	ellipse


has_subclass	arrow 1
has_property	arrow 1
traded_in	arrow 1 	
was_traded_in	arrow 1
traded_with	both 3
bought	arrow 1
sold	arrow 1
visited	arrow 1
stayed_in	arrow 1
was_checked_in	arrow 1
was_permitted	arrow 1
was_acquaintance_with	both 3
hired	arrow 1
belongs_to	arrow 1
bribed	arrow 1
stole	arrow 1
agented	arrow 1
was_competitor_with	both 3
is_located_in	arrow 1
lived_in	arrow 1
handover_in	arrow 1
make_join_the_group	arrow 1
was_entrusted_by	arrow 3
traded_with	both 3


Yanxing	Yanxing	Yanxing
Date	Date	Date
Place	Place	Place	
People	People	People
Weather	Weather	Weather
Korean_people	Korean_people	Korean_people
Chinese_people	Chinese_people	Chinese_people
Item	Item	Item
Event	Event	Event
Interpreters	Korean_people	Interpreters
Commodities	Item	Commodities 
Local_products	Item	Local_products  
Salers	Chinese_people	Salers
Buyers	Chinese_people	Buyers


Yanxing	Date	has_property
Yanxing	Place	has_property
Yanxing	People	has_property
Date	Weather	has_property
People	Korean_people	has_subclass
People	Chinese_people	has_subclass
Korean_people	Interpreters	has_subclass
Chinese_people	Salers	has_subclass
Chinese_people	Buyers	has_subclass
Item	Commodities	has_subclass 
Item	Local_products	has_subclass	
Interpreters	Commodities	bought
Interpreters	Commodities	sold
Commodities	Place 	was_traded_in
Interpreters	Chinese_people	traded_with
Salers	Commodities	sold
buyers	Commodities	bought
Salers	Place	lived_in

