"2019 啓蒙篇 10 - 13"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Sentence 11 : (name))
(Sentence 10 : Mo Ran Seo)
55번째 줄: 55번째 줄:
==='''Sentence 10 : Mo Ran Seo'''===
==='''Sentence 10 : Mo Ran Seo'''===
Three months of spring exhausted, then it becomes summer.
Three months of spring exhausted, then it becomes summer.<br />
Three months of summer exhausted, then it becomes autumn.
Three months of summer exhausted, then it becomes autumn.<br />
Three months of autumn exhausted, then it becomes winter.
Three months of autumn exhausted, then it becomes winter.<br />
Three months of winter exhausted, then again it becomes spring.
Three months of winter exhausted, then again it becomes spring.<br />
Four seasons replace each other, achieve to success of one year’s harvest.   
Four seasons replace each other, achieve to success of one year’s harvest.   
<br />
<br />

2019년 7월 6일 (토) 11:04 판

Original Script

春三月盡이면 則爲夏하고

夏三月盡이면 則爲秋하고


冬三月盡이면 則復爲春이니

四時相代하여 而歲功成焉이라.



春則萬物이 始生하고,

夏則萬物이 長養하고,

秋則萬物이 成熟하고,




  • Compound Verbs


::: 地篇 :::


地之高處는 便爲山이요, 地之低處는 便爲水니,

水之小者를 謂川이요, 水之大者를 謂江이요,

山之卑者를 謂丘요, 山之峻者를 謂岡이니라.
  • 便: exactly, just, then, right away
  • Adj 者: one that is Adj
  • 謂 (N1) N2: To call (N1) N2



天下之山이 莫大於五岳하니, 

五岳者는 泰山嵩山衡山恒山華山也요.

天下之水는 莫大於四海하니

四海者는 東海西海南海北海也라.
  • 莫: There is nothing/no one that…
  • Adj. 於 N: more Adj. than N



Sentence 10 : Mo Ran Seo

Three months of spring exhausted, then it becomes summer.
Three months of summer exhausted, then it becomes autumn.
Three months of autumn exhausted, then it becomes winter.
Three months of winter exhausted, then again it becomes spring.
Four seasons replace each other, achieve to success of one year’s harvest.

  • Discussion Questions:

Sentence 11 : Mo Ran Seo

In spring, all things are born first.
In summer, all things are growing and being grown.
In autumn, all things are matured and ripen.
In winter, all things are closed and reserved.
There is nothing of these, not works of four seasons.

  • Discussion Questions:

Sentence 12 : (name)


  • Discussion Questions:

Sentence 13 : (name)


  • Discussion Questions: