"수업진행표"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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(새 문서: Main Page]] 수업은 강독 위주로 진행되었으며, 전반부에는 학생들이 전문을 예습해 와서...)
(사용자 2명의 중간 판 20개는 보이지 않습니다)
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[[File:Back.png|right|thumb|[[2016 Hanmun Workshop (Intermediate)|Main Page]]]]
<big>Schedule: </big>
수업은 강독 위주로 진행되었으며, 전반부에는 학생들이 전문을 예습해 와서 강사와 함께 읽고 각자 다시 번역을 하는 형태로, 후반부에는 텍스트를 분할하여 준비해와서 같이 읽고 맡은 부분을 다시 정리해 취합하는 형태로 진행했음.
:*Session 1 -  9:00–10:30 AM
:*Session 2 - 10:40–12:00 AM, 2:00–3:00 PM
:*Session 3 - 3:10–5:00 PM
{| class="wikitable"
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#ffffff;"
!style="width:30px;"|Date || style="width:500px;"|Contents 
! Date ||Contents
|7/3 || S1: Opening Ceremony, Placement Test
S2: Introduction: Classical Chinese, literary Chinese, Sino-Korean, and Hanmun
S3: Hanmun and Korean, literacy and orality
| 7/4 || Placement Test
|7/4 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 1–4
Jangseogak Tour
S2: Hagŏjip 1–5
Introduction to Classical Chinese and Hanmun
S3: Short passages 1–2
| 7/5 || King Chŏngjo 正祖, “Royal dictum to encourage farming” (Kwŏnnong yunŭm 勸農綸音, 1781)
|7/5 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 5–8
| 7/6 || King Chŏngjo, “Royal dictum to encourage farming” (continued)
Kwŏn Kŭn 權近, “Preface to the Diagrammatic Explanation for the Initiation of Learning” (Iphak tosŏl sŏ 入學圖說序)
S2: Field Trip
| 7/7 || Review of Kwŏn Kŭn, “Preface to the Diagrammatic Explanation for the Initiation of Learning”
Letter to his son by Pak Se-dang 朴世堂 (寄子泰輔); Letter to his son by Paek Kwang-hun 白光勳 (寄亨南書 己卯); Letter by Kim Tŭg-yŏn 金得研
S3: Field Trip
| 7/8 || Letter to his son by Pak Se-dang (Ki cha T’ae-bo); Letter to his son by Paek Kwang-hun (Ki Hyŏng-nam sŏ, kimyo); Letter by Kim Tŭg-yŏn  (continued)
|7/6 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 9–13
Special Lecture on Chŏng Yag-yong
S2: Hagŏjip 11–15
Field Trip (afternoon)
S3: Short passages 5–6
| 7/11 || Morning training with the Tongmomng sŏnsŭp童蒙先習
|7/7 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 14–17
Review of letters (Pak Se-dang, Paek Kwang-hun, Kim Tŭg-yŏn) (continued)
S2: Hagŏjip 16–20
Stories from the Illustrated Guide to the Three Relations (Samgang haengsil-to 三綱行實圖): “Lady Im gets her limbs cut off ” (Yŏlbu ipkang 烈婦入江), “Sŏkchin cuts off his finger” (Sŏkchin tanji 石珍斷指)
S3: Short passages 7–8
| 7/12 || Morning training with the Tongmomng sŏnsŭp
|7/10 || S1: Hagŏjip 21–25
Hanmun grammar points: Notion of grammatical words
S2: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 18–22
Stories from the Illustrated Guide to the Three Relations (Samgang haengsil-to 三綱行實圖): “Pinyŏng charges the enemy line” (Pinyŏng tolchin 丕寧突陳), “Lady Kim strikes the tiger” (Kim-ssi pakho 金氏撲虎)
S3: Short passages 9–11
“Parting without words” (Muŏ pyŏl 無語別) by Im Che 林悌
| 7/13 || Morning training with the Tongmomng sŏnsŭp
|7/11 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 22–25
Review of the Samgang haengsil-to stories
S2: Hagŏjip 26–30
Pak Chi-wŏn 朴趾源, “Self-preface to the Depository of Writings in the Peacock Hall” (Kongjakkwan mun’go chasŏ 孔雀館文庫自序)
S3: Short passages 12–14
|7/12 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 26–30
Special Lectures (afternoon)
S2: Hagŏjip 31–35
| 7/14 || Morning training with the Tongmomng sŏnsŭp
Pak Chi-wŏn 朴趾源, “Self-preface to the Depository of Writings in the Peacock Hall” (continued)
S3: Short passages 15
| 7/15 || Morning training with the Tongmomng sŏnsŭp
|7/13 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 31–34
Review of Pak Chi-wŏn, “Self-preface to the Depository of Writings in the Peacock Hall”
S2: Hagŏjip 36–40
Chŏng Yag-yong丁若鏞, “On [Discriminating] Illegitimate Sons” (Sŏŏl-lon 庶孽論)
S3: Short passages 16–17
“Spring” (Ch’un 春) by Chŏng Mong-ju 鄭夢周 and “Intoning nocturnally in a mountain temple” (Sansa yaŭm 山寺夜吟) by Chŏng Ch’ŏl 鄭澈
| 7/16-17|| Field Trip to Andong
| 7/18 || Morning training with the Tongmomng sŏnsŭp
|7/14 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 35–38
Hanmun grammar points: Four most important grammatical words—以,  之, 所, 者
Chŏng Yag-yong, “On [Discriminating] Illegitimate Sons” (continued)
S2: Hagŏjip 41–45
“Pubyŏk Pavilion” (Pubyŏngnu浮碧樓) by Yi Saek李穡
S3: Short passages 16–17
| 7/19 || Morning training with the Tongmomng sŏnsŭp
|7/17 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 39–42
Review of Chŏng Yag-yong, “On [Discriminating] Illegitimate Sons”
S2: Hagŏjip 46–50
Kim Chong-jik 金宗直, “Lament for Emperor Yi” (Cho Ŭije mun 弔義帝文)
S3: Short passages 18–19
| 7/20 || Morning training with the Tongmomng sŏnsŭp
|7/18 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 43–47
Kim Chong-jik, “Lament for Emperor Yi” (continued)
S2: Hagŏjip 51–55
Special Lectures (afternoon)
S3: Short passages 20–21
| 7/21 || Morning training with the Tongmomng sŏnsŭp
|7/19 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 48–52
Hanmun grammar points: Five major uses of verbs (intransitive, transitive, passive, causative, and putative) and Passive-voice constructions
S2: Hagŏjip 56–60
Guest Lecture: “Online Resources for Hanmun Translation”
S3: Short passages 22–23
Kim Chong-jik, “Lament for Emperor Yi” (continued)
| 7/22 || Morning training with the Tongmomng sŏnsŭp
|7/20 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 53–56
Hansi 漢詩 lecture and the “What do you think of in the quiet moon-lit night” (Soryo wŏrya sa hasa 蕭寥月夜思何事) by Pseudo-Hwang Chin-i 黃真伊)
S2: Hagŏjip 61–65
Closing ceremony (afternoon)
S3: Short passages 24_25
|7/21 || S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp Review
S2: Hagŏjip Review
[[Category:2016 Hanmun Workshop]]
S3: Short passages 26
[[Category:2016 Intermediate Training Group]]

2018년 7월 2일 (월) 14:53 기준 최신판


  • Session 1 - 9:00–10:30 AM
  • Session 2 - 10:40–12:00 AM, 2:00–3:00 PM
  • Session 3 - 3:10–5:00 PM

Date Contents
7/3 S1: Opening Ceremony, Placement Test

S2: Introduction: Classical Chinese, literary Chinese, Sino-Korean, and Hanmun

S3: Hanmun and Korean, literacy and orality

7/4 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 1–4

S2: Hagŏjip 1–5

S3: Short passages 1–2

7/5 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 5–8

S2: Field Trip

S3: Field Trip

7/6 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 9–13

S2: Hagŏjip 11–15

S3: Short passages 5–6

7/7 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 14–17

S2: Hagŏjip 16–20

S3: Short passages 7–8

7/10 S1: Hagŏjip 21–25

S2: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 18–22

S3: Short passages 9–11

7/11 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 22–25

S2: Hagŏjip 26–30

S3: Short passages 12–14

7/12 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 26–30

S2: Hagŏjip 31–35

S3: Short passages 15

7/13 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 31–34

S2: Hagŏjip 36–40

S3: Short passages 16–17

7/14 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 35–38

S2: Hagŏjip 41–45

S3: Short passages 16–17

7/17 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 39–42

S2: Hagŏjip 46–50

S3: Short passages 18–19

7/18 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 43–47

S2: Hagŏjip 51–55

S3: Short passages 20–21

7/19 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 48–52

S2: Hagŏjip 56–60

S3: Short passages 22–23

7/20 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp 53–56

S2: Hagŏjip 61–65

S3: Short passages 24_25

7/21 S1: Tongmong sŏnsŭp Review

S2: Hagŏjip Review

S3: Short passages 26