Korea the Land People and Customs
【1907년】. Korea the Land, People and Customs 1907. 미국북감리회선교사 조지 허버 존스(George Herber Jones, 1867~1919)가 내한 후 20년경이 지나 저술함. 조선의 지리, 사람, 풍습, 종교 등을 소개함.
Semantic Data
Node Description
id | class | groupName | partName | label | hangeul | hanja | english | infoUrl | iconUrl |
Korea_the_Land_People_and_Customs | Record | 사건 | Korea the Land, People and Customs 1907 | Korea the Land, People and Customs | http://dh.aks.ac.kr/hanyang2/wiki/index.php/Korea_the_Land_People_and_Customs |
Contextual Relations
source | target | relation | attribute | note |
Korea_the_Land_People_and_Customs | 조지_허버_존스 | creator | ||
E2-302 | Korea_the_Land_People_and_Customs | |||
Web Resource
type | resource | title | description/caption | URL |
참고 | 네이버 블로그 > Corea Libris | 인천 내리교회 설립자 조지 허버 존스(George Herber Jones)의 『Korea The Land, People and Customs』, 1907 | https://blog.naver.com/corealibris/220356950000 | |
원문 | Internet Archive | Korea; the land, people, and customs | https://archive.org/details/korealandpeoplec00jone | |
type | bibliographic index | online resource | url |
단행본 | Jones, George Heber, Korea : the land, people, and customs, Jennings and Graham, 1907. | RISS | http://www.riss.kr/link?id=M627275 |
Semantic Network Graph