DH 교육용 위키
9유수정 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 26일 (목) 15:40 판

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이동: 둘러보기, 검색

I also participated in a global camp last year. At that time, I participated in the topic of culture. I talked with foreigners, wrote essays, made presentations, and did some fun and meaningful activities, but unfortunately, I came in fourth place so i joined again this time.

I didn't get much chance to know about Korean history in school class. However, the school bought and sold goods to celebrate 1,100 years of Goryeo and reenacted Byeongnando. I knew that Byeongnando was a port of trade during the Goryeo Dynasty, but I wanted to know more about it because I was not aware of it. Also, it would be nice to know about the history of Goryeo Dynasty from various fields when friends make presentations at the global camp. I am now looking forward to gaining a lot of knowledge.

I knew about management of the Gaeseong merchant in Goryeo Dynasty, what they export and import and advantage of location at Byeongnando. I collected the information needed for presentation, translated the information and prepared it for presentation. Since I prepared hard, I hope my presentation will be completed well.