GGHS 2019 Winter - Team 5
DH 교육용 위키
Treaty of Ganghwa Island and some human rights violation cases during the colonial times in Korea - focused on press reports
No. | Team Topic | Teacher | Role | Name (Korean) | No. of Students |
5 | Human Rights and Media during the Colonial Period (일제 강점기 인권과 언론) |
Evelyn RUIZ | Leader | 문지○ | 9 |
Vice-Leader | 한가○ | ||||
김해○ | |||||
송세○ | |||||
이다○ | |||||
최하○ | |||||
김바○ | |||||
오지○ | |||||
이유○ |
1. Treaty of Ganghwa Island
1.1 강화도 조약의 내용
1) 기본정보
2) 조약내용
1.2 강화도 조약의 인권침해 사례
1.3 당시의 여론과 현재의 언론 양상 비교 분석
1) 강화도 조약 후 위정척사파와 개화파가 나뉜 이유
2) 당시 여론들의 입장과 대표 인물들
3)현재 언론의 진보세력, 보수세력
2. 일제강점기의 인권유린과 언론
2.1 인권유린사례
1) 헌병경찰제
2) 강제징용과 위안부
3) 조선어 사용 금지
2.2 언론보도
- In Korean
- Korean Cultural Journalism : Its Formation and Transformation from 1960s to 2010s
- A Critical Discourse Analysis on the NewspaperTexts during the Japanese Occupation - Focused on the Four Patriotic Events Reports
- A study of serial novel on newspaper in Korean patriotic enlightenment period
- Changes in front page characteristics of Korean newspaper : A study of the Chosun Ilbo and the Dong-A Ilbo, 1921- 2001
- (The) study on sodial education for women in Korea : concentrated on social education, through the press
- Photographic representation of the working class in Dong-A Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo: 1920-1940
- (A) Study of the Five Major Daily Newspapers Published in Korea at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century
Network Graph(s)
- SAMPLE: VH2018_부석사reference.lst
- YOUR TEAM GRAPH: GGHS2019W_Team5.lst