GGHS 2019 Winter - Team 2

DH 교육용 위키
Sodamlang (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2019년 1월 2일 (수) 20:04 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

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No. Team Topic Teacher Role Name (Korean) No. of Students
2 Dolmens of Ganghwa
(강화의 고인돌)
Evgeniia POLUMESTNAIA Leader 정가인 7
Vice-Leader 박진아

Ganghwa and the Dolmen

In our team, our main subject is 'Ganghwa and the Dolmen' . And For better

Dolmens in Bugeun-ri, Ganghwa

"Dolmens can be found alone or in groups. There are five dolmen groups on Ganghwado, among which is this group of 16 dolmens in Bugeun-ri. The largest one, standing alone in the field next to the paved road, is designated as Historic Site No. 137. Other dolmens distributed around the pine trees are either table type or unsupported capstone type. Table type dolmens are comprised of upright, stone slabs covered by a wide, flat capstone to create an above-ground burial chamber. Unsupported capstone type dolmens are comprised of a capstone on top of an underground stone burial chamber." [1]

The kinds of Dolmens

What Kind Of Worth Does Dolmens Have To People In Ganghwa

The Definition of Dolmens

The Usage Of Dolmens

The Process Of Construction


Network Graph(s)


  1. 부근리고인돌군 (Cultural Heritage Wiki, Academy of Korean Studies)