GGHS 김해○
- 1 About Me
- 2 Essay
- 3 My Contribution
- 4 My Contribution
- 4.1 The military rule period, The life of the people
- 4.1.1 An uprising of the farmers and the slaves during the period of Muhsin
- 4.1.2 Mongol Invasion Process
- 4.1.3 A comparison of the lives of the people and the rulers during the time of transfer to Ganghwa island
- 4.1.4 The collapse of Muhsin government
- 4.1.5 King Wonjong
- 4.1.6 King Chung-ryul
- 4.1.7 If we were king Chungnyeol...
- 4.1 The military rule period, The life of the people
About Me
(Write something here about you if you want.)
(Upload your essay here by Thursday, 7 PM.)
My Contribution
My Contribution
The military rule period, The life of the people
An uprising of the farmers and the slaves during the period of Muhsin
During the military rule period, local authorities paid too much tax, but the central government, which was in a power struggle, was unable to control it. Also, as Lee Eui-min, a former slave, came to power, expectations grew among the people for a higher status. Farmers and slaves rose to resist excessive exploitation and to rise in status. In the representative peasant uprising, there is the rebellion of Kim Sa-mi, and in the the lowest class of people uprising, there is the rebellion of Manjeok.
During the military rule period, the uprising took place frequently throughout the whole time. The most intense of its size and aspect were riots in the SamNam provinces that took place over 30 years. Kim Sa-mi's rebellion was one of the most representative of these riots.
時南賊蜂起, 其劇者金沙彌據雲門, 孝心據草田, 嘯聚亡命摽掠州縣. 王聞而患之. 丙子, 遣大將軍全存傑, 率將軍李至純⋅李公靖⋅金陟候⋅金慶夫⋅盧植等, 討之.
이때에 남적이 봉기했는데 그 중 심한 것이 운문에 웅거한 김사미와 초전에 자리 잡은 효심으로, 이들은 망명한 무리를 불러 모아 주현을 노략질하였다. 왕이 이 소식을 듣고 걱정하였다. 병자일에 대장군 전존걸에게 장군 이지순⋅이공정⋅김척후⋅김경부⋅노식 등을 이끌고 가서 남적을 토벌토록 하였다.
『고려사』권20, 「세가」20 명종 23년 7월
Manjeok's uprising was caused by Manjeok, a slave in 1198 during the Yejong of Goryeo Dynasty. Manjeok was a slave of Choi Choong-hun, an Muhsin. During this time, frequent exploitation by officials caused conflicts between upper and lower classes, leading to rebellion by farmers and slaves. The biggest and most purposeful of all was the Manjeok rebellion.
Mongol Invasion Process
Mongolia moved away from tribal units and formed a unified nation and established diplomatic relations with Goryeo. However, Mongolia invaded Goryeo on the pretext of killing an envoy on his way home. After Mongolia's second invasion, the Choi administration moved to Ganghwa Island, which has geographical and military advantages to fight against Mongolia. And the people fought against Mongolia by officers who fleeing to Ganghwa Island leaving them as islands and mountains. [4]
A comparison of the lives of the people and the rulers during the time of transfer to Ganghwa island
After Mongolia's second invasion, Choi and a small number of ruling groups decided to transfer the capital to Ganghwa Island in 1232, when Mongolia tried to return to invade. In addition, although it was the rainy season and there were many other problems, Choi eventually led to the transfer Ganghwa Island with only 300,000 people. Meanwhile, the people who were originally living in Ganghwa had a harder life overnight when their hometown became the capital. They should move to suburban areas and lost their habitat and must be mobilization in various odd jobs such as land reclamation project. In addition, except for 300,000 people who were left on the mainland were forced to stand on their own against the invasion of Mongolia because of their lack of military support and live a more difficult life. Meanwhile,Choi-woo and the ruling elite, who moved to Ganghwa Island, wasted their taxes to held the party frequently and enjoyed themselves.
乙酉, 王發開京, 次于昇天府, 丙戌, 入御江華客館. 時霖雨彌旬, 泥濘沒脛,人馬僵. 達官及良家婦女, 至有跣足負戴者. 鰥寡孤獨, 失所號哭者, 不可勝計.
을유일에 왕이 개경을 출발하여 승천부(昇天府)에서 머무르고 병술일에 강화도의 객관에 들어갔다. 이때 장맛비가 열흘이나 계속 내려 진흙이 발목까지 빠져 사람과 말들이 쓰러지곤 하였다. 지체 높은 집안이나 양가의 부녀들 중에는 맨발로 업고 이고 하는 자까지 있었다. 홀아비와 과부, 고아와 자식 없는 노인으로서 갈 곳을 잃고 소리 내어 우는 자가 이루 헤아릴 수 없이 많았다. 『고려사절요』권16, 고종안효대왕 3 임진 19년 6월
五月, 崔怡宴宗室司空已上及宰樞於其第. 置彩帛山張羅幃, 中結鞦韆, 飾以文繡綵花, 以八面銀釦貝鈿四大盆, 各盛氷峯, 又四大樽滿揷紅紫芍藥十餘品, 氷花交映, 表裏燦爛. 陳伎樂百戲, 八坊廂工人, 一千三百五十餘人, 皆盛飾, 入庭奏樂, 絃歌館鼓, 轟震天地. 八坊廂各給白銀三斤, 伶官兩部伎女才人, 皆給金帛, 其費鉅萬.
5월에 최이가 종실의 사공이상과 재추들을 위해 자신의 집에서 연회를 베풀었다. 이때 산처럼 높게 채붕을 세워 비단 휘장을 두르고 가운데는 그네를 매어 문수채화로 장식하고, 8면을 은단추와 자개로 장식한 4개의 큰 동이에 각각 얼음을 산더미처럼 담고, 또 4개의 큰 물통에 붉은 작약과 자줏빛 작약 10여 종을 가득히 꽂았는데, 얼음과 꽃이 서로 비춰 겉과 속에서 찬란한 빛을 발하였다. 그리고 기악과 온갖 잡희를 베풀고, 팔방상의 공인 1350여 명이 모두 호화롭게 단장하고 뜰에 들어와 풍악을 연주하니, 거문고와 노래와 북과 피리 소리들이 천지를 진동하였다. 팔방상에게는 각각 백은 3근씩을 주고, 영관과 양부의 기녀와 광대에게도 각각 금과 비단을 주니, 그 비용이 엄청났다.
『고려사절요』권16, 고종안효대왕 3 을사 32년 5월
The collapse of Muhsin government
Since then, the power of the regime has been weakened by the invasion of Mongolia by the Choi Woo regime. Conflict with Mongolia and the damage from the war greatly weakened the Choi regime. Furthermore, Choi Eui, the last ruler of the Choi regime, was foolish and weak and began to divide within the Choi regime. Moreover, the failure to save the bad harvest resulted in the fall of the military regime.
King Wonjong
Wonjong broke down the atheistic regime by implementing systematic policies such as installing an 출배도감 in Gaegyeong to prepare for returning to the capital. In 1263, Goryeo intended to stabilize the people's livelihood by asking the Japanese government to crack down on pirates invading Goryeo. And Goryeo sent Taeja to Mongolia to express sincerity in its efforts to establish diplomatic relations.
King Chung-ryul
With these fundamentals in place, however, King Chungnyeol was not interested in the plight of the people and was given up to prostitution and hunting falcon. For this reason, I dare say that King Chungnyeol does not have the qualities of a king, not only because the king lost his voice but also because of his lack of policy achievement. King Chungnyeol' s policy of close association with Mongolia served as a momentum for Goryeo to quickly fall to the status of its a vassal state. As a result, the powers of the lieges have become insignificant. With the disappearance of politics and the spread of Mongolian customs ( pigtail,The costume of Mongolia ) across society, Goryeo gradually lost its natural power. A policy of Chungnyeol which was great toward Mongolia. [7]
If we were king Chungnyeol...
First, the tax that was collected at that time was collected without considering the situation of the people. To solve this problem, we need to understand the situation of the people through the systematic and long-term A land survey project and regulate the luxurious life of the nobles by law. And we have to create a system that will help people's lives by saving wasted taxes. policies that take into account the situation of the people may have the effect of reducing their tax burden.
Second, in 1233, many people died because an insect got into the middle of a person's belly and sucked blood.
In addition, there were many diseases and injuries besides these pests, but there were no suitable institution to treat them.
So, the 구제도감, which was a temporary institution that King Yejong had put in place during his reign, is re-installed to
ensure the people's relief and health. However, at the time of installation, it was installed only in the Gaegyeong, making it difficult for the whole country local residents to use it. In order to improve this, 구제도감 was set up all over the country and the people were expected to use it seamlessly.
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