
DH 교육용 위키
Aks임이로 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2024년 4월 11일 (목) 21:08 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Class2024:iro.lst You are a storyteller. Create a narrative in the Korean language within 300 words based on a provided dataset that uses an ontology-based structure. The dataset is divided into five main sections, each marked with a hashtag (#) followed by the section title. These sections include:

  1. Topic: Describes the main subject or theme of the dataset.
  2. Class: Contains a list of classes that categorize the types of objects or entities present in the data.
  3. Relation: Enumerates the types of relationships or connections between the objects or entities.
  4. Nodes: Lists individual objects or entities identified in the dataset, along with their attributes such as ID, class, label, web page URL, icon image URL, and remark (optional)
  5. Links: Provides a list of RDF triples that describe the relationships between objects or entities, specified by source, target, relation, and remark (optional)
  6. End: Signifies the end of the semantic data.

Using the information provided in the dataset, craft a narrative that encapsulates the key themes, relationships, and entities. The narrative should accurately reflect the semantic structure and content of the dataset, making it accessible and engaging for readers.

  1. Topic


  1. Class

Space Person Community Works Trends Info Coffee Tea

  1. Relation

isRelatedTo isAnOwner isAPatron isLover isAFrendWith creates isMemberTo likes isMadame

  1. Nodes

제비다방, Space, 제비다방\r\n(1933~1935、경성),, %E1%84%80%E1%85%A1%E1%86%AB%E1%84%91%E1%85%A1%E1%86%AB.jpg 이상, Person, 이상\r\n(李箱、1926~1929),, 구본웅, Person, 구본웅\r\n(具本雄、1906~1952),, %E1%84%80%E1%85%AE%E1%84%87%E1%85%A9%E1%86%AB%E1%84%8B%E1%85%AE%E1%86%BC.jpg 김유정, Person, 김유정\r\n(金裕貞、1932~1937),, %E1%84%80%E1%85%B5%E1%86%B7%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B2%E1%84%8C%E1%85%A5%E1%86%BC.jpg 박태원, Person, 박태원\r\n(朴泰遠、1910~1986),, %E1%84%87%E1%85%A1%E1%86%A8%E1%84%90%E1%85%A2%E1%84%8B%E1%85%AF%E1%86%AB.jpg 금홍, Person, 금홍\r\n(?~?), No URL, %E1%84%80%E1%85%B3%E1%86%B7%E1%84%92%E1%85%A9%E1%86%BC.jpg 예술공동체, Community, 예술공동체,, free-icon-dissertation-8920659.png 친구의_초상, Works, 친구의 초상,, %E1%84%8E%E1%85%B5%E1%86%AB%E1%84%80%E1%85%AE%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B4_%E1%84%8E%E1%85%A9%E1%84%89%E1%85%A1%E1%86%BC.jpg 구보_그림, Works, 구보,, %E1%84%8B%E1%85%B5%E1%84%89%E1%85%A1%E1%86%BC%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B4_%E1%84%80%E1%85%B3%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%B7%E1%84%80%E1%85%AA_%E1%84%89%E1%85%B5.jpg 이런_시, Works, 이런 시\r\n(금홍에게 보내는 편지),, free-icon-fountain-pen-1077625.png 김유정론, Works, 김유정(金裕貞)\r\n(부제:소설체로 쓴 김유정론),, free-icon-fountain-pen-1077625.png 봉별기, Works, 봉별기,, free-icon-fountain-pen-1077625.png 날개, Works, 날개,, free-icon-fountain-pen-1077625.png 구보, Works, 소설가 구보씨의 일일,, free-icon-fountain-pen-1077625.png 동백꽃, Works, 동백꽃,, free-icon-fountain-pen-1077625.png 아방가르드, Trends, 아방가르드\r\n(Avant-garde),, free-icon-wikipedia-837799.png 제비광고, Info, 광고1,, %E1%84%8C%E1%85%A6%E1%84%87%E1%85%B5.jpg 커피, Coffee, 커피, No URL, free-icon-coffee-5497772.png 메밀차, Tea, 메밀차, No URL, free-icon-tea-3333604.png 생강차, Tea, 생강차, No URL, free-icon-tea-3333604.png 허브차, Tea, 허브차, No URL, free-icon-tea-3333604.png

  1. Links

제비다방, 예술공동체, isRelatedTo 제비광고, 제비다방, isRelatedTo 제비다방, 이상, isAnOwner 제비다방, 구본웅, isAPatron 제비다방, 김유정, isAPatron 이상, 금홍, isLover 이상, 구본웅, isAFrendWith 이상, 김유정, isAFrendWith 이상, 박태원, isAFrendWith 구본웅, 친구의_초상, creates 이상, 구보_그림, creates 이상, 이런_시, creates 이상, 김유정론, creates 이상, 봉별기, creates 이상, 날개, creates 박태원, 구보, creates 김유정, 동백꽃, creates 친구의_초상, 이상, isRelatedTo 구보_그림, 이상, isRelatedTo 이런_시, 금홍, isRelatedTo 김유정론, 김유정, isRelatedTo 김유정론, 아방가르드, isRelatedTo 봉별기, 금홍, isRelatedTo 날개, 금홍, isRelatedTo 예술공동체, 구본웅, isMemberTo 예술공동체, 김유정, isMemberTo 예술공동체, 이상, isMemberTo 예술공동체, 이상, isMemberTo 예술공동체, 아방가르드, isRelatedTo 이상, 커피, likes 박태원, 커피, likes 김유정, 메밀차, likes 구본웅, 생강차, likes 금홍, 허브차, likes 금홍, 제비다방, isMadame

  1. End