입학도설 서 번역
Gweon Geun, “Preface to the Diagrammatic Explanation for the Initiation of Learning” (Iphak doseol seo 入學圖說序)
Student 1
In the autumn of Kyeong year of Hongwu reign I was in exile in Keummagun [Iksan].There were a couple of beginners who came to read Doctrine of the Mean and Great Learning with me. I explained it to them repeatedly yet they still could not understand it completely. Therefore I composed the diagram based on the work of master Juja and presented it to them. I also adopted teachings of the previous scholars. Then learners had more questions and I answered them all separately. These questions and answers are recorded at the end of this book as the explanation for the initiation of learning. On the side, I made diagrams for all I could do and often made my theories on groundless guessings. For the time being I am bond in exile and just wait for the days to come in the future. I want to be corrected by teachers and respectful scholars. I live in undeveloped town so there is no teacher and as I am in excile I can not leave. Hopefully the readers will be generous for me, forgive my groundless theories and just use this book for teaching. Late coming student Kweonkeun of Yeonga [Andong] respectfully presents this carefully prepared book.
Student 2
In the autumn of Kyeong year of Hongwu reign I was in exile in Keummagun (Iksan). There were a couple of beginners who came to me to read Doctrine of the Mean and Great Learning. I explained it to them repeatedly but they still couldn't understand it. Therefore I composed and showed them the diagram of master Juja. Then learners had more questions, and I answered them all separately and put those questions and answers at the end of this book, naming it a gramatical explanation to learning. On the side, I took from other classics I can make diagrams for, and often made my theories on groundless guessings. For now I just wait for later days and that's it. I want to be corrected by teachers and respectful scholars. I live in undeveloped town so there is no teacher and as I am in excile I can not leave. Hopefully the readers will forgive my groundless theories and just use this book for teaching. Late coming student Kweonkeun of Andong (영가) respectfully introduces this carefully prepared book.
Student 3
In the autumn of kyongoh year during Hongwu’s reign (1390), I was in exile in Kumma-gun, there were a couple of beginners who came to me to read the two books of Yong and Hak (Doctrine of the Mean and Great Learning), I told/explained to them repeatedly, still they were not able to completely understand. Thus based on the diagram of Master Zhou [Dunyi] and referring to the Theory of Chapters and Lines, I composed a diagram and showed it to them, and also I took teachings by worthy sages of the past, and explained with it. Learners coming from this with question, I followed them with answers, and separately recorded the words of those questions and answers, with it I added them at the end of the book and named it "Diagram Explanation for Entrance of Learning". On the side I took from other classics and overall that which can be drawn into a diagram, I made diagrams for all of them, and often I appended everywhere my ideas of groundless guesses. I wish to go to teachers and advanced scholars to get corrections as there are no advanced teachers in rural towns, yet I am bound in the registry of exiles, thus for now I only wait for later days. Hopefully one who sees/reeds this forgives unworthy words and teach this, this is my hope. Same year first day of the tenth month, Yongga’s late learner Kwon Kun writes this with respect.