"Dry Martini.lst"의 두 판 사이의 차이

DH 교육용 위키
이동: 둘러보기, 검색
4번째 줄: 4번째 줄:
Category gold circle
Cocktail  magenta box
Cocktail  magenta box
Spirit red ellipse
Spirit red ellipse
14번째 줄: 13번째 줄:
hasMember gold line 1
addBaseLiquor 2oz arrow 2
hasCategory gold line 1
addLiqueur 1/3oz arrow 2
useBaseLiquor red arrow-end 1
addModifier Null arrow 1
useLiqueur blue arrow-end 1
fill Null arrow-end 1
useModifier orange arrow-end 1
top Null arrow-end 1
isGarnishedWith green arrow-end 1
garnish Null arrow-end 1
isServedIn silver arrow-end 1
glass Null line 1
isMadeBy cyan arrow-end 1
method Null moving-arrows 1
1/2oz olive arrow-end 1
1/2tsp olive arrow-end 1
1/3oz olive arrow-end 1
1/3part olive arrow-end 1
1/4oz olive arrow-end 1
1+1/2oz olive arrow-end 1
1+1/4oz olive arrow-end 1
1+3/4oz olive arrow-end 1
1dash olive arrow-end 1
1ea olive arrow-end 1
1oz olive arrow-end 1
1pinch olive arrow-end 1
1tsp olive arrow-end 1
2+1/2oz olive arrow-end 1
2oz olive arrow-end 1
3/4oz olive arrow-end 1
3oz olive arrow-end 1
fill olive arrow-end 1
top olive arrow-end 1
garnish green arrow-end 0
glass grey line 0
method cyan moving-arrows 0
isAddedBy cyan moving-arrows 0
and cyan line 1
or green line 1
61번째 줄: 36번째 줄:
CocktailGlass DryMartini glass
CocktailGlass DryMartini glass
Olive DryMartini garnish
Olive DryMartini garnish
Gin DryMartini 2oz
Gin DryMartini addBaseLiquor
DryVermouth DryMartini 1/3oz
DryVermouth DryMartini addLiqueur

2019년 3월 27일 (수) 07:36 판

h1 World of Cocktails: Dry Martini

Cocktail   	magenta box
Spirit		red	ellipse
Liqueur		blue	ellipse
SoftDrink	orange	ellipse
Garnish		green	ellipse
Glass   	silver  ellipse
Method		cyan	ellipse

addBaseLiquor		2oz	arrow	2
addLiqueur		1/3oz	arrow	2
addModifier		Null	arrow 	1
fill			Null	arrow-end	1
top			Null	arrow-end	1
garnish			Null	arrow-end	1
glass			Null	line		1
method			Null	moving-arrows	1

DryMartini Cocktail Dry_Martini https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martini_(cocktail) http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/images/Cocktail/DryMartini_xs.png 1
Stir Method Stir http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/Method/Stir_self.htm http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/images/Method/Stir_xs.png 1
CocktailGlass Glass Cocktail_Glass http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/Glass/CocktailGlass_self.htm http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/images/Glass/CocktailGlass_xs.png 1
Olive Garnish Olive http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/Garnish/Olive_self.htm http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/images/Garnish/Olive_xs.png 1                                                          
Gin Spirit Dry_Gin http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/Spirit/Gin_self.htm http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/images/Spirit/Gin_xs.png 1
DryVermouth Liqueur Dry_Vermouth http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/Liqueur/DryVermouth_self.htm http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Graph/Cocktail/images/Liqueur/DryVermouth_xs.png 1

Stir	DryMartini	method
CocktailGlass	DryMartini	glass
Olive	DryMartini	garnish
Gin	DryMartini	addBaseLiquor
DryVermouth	DryMartini	addLiqueur

